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A Nike advert on the sprinter’s personal website showing him setting off from the starting blocks alongside the line “I am the bullet in the chamber” was removed, with the sportswear giant refusing to comment on whether its association with him would continue.

A television advertising campaign starring the 26-year-old was also pulled in his native Africa.

South African pay channel M-Net Movies said in a tweet: “Out of respect and sympathy to the bereaved, M-Net will be pulling its entire Oscar campaign featuring Oscar Pistorius with immediate effect.”

The canned television ad campaign, which also featured on billboards to promote Hollywood movies shown by the station, included the line, “Every Night Is Oscar Night”, and a picture of the athlete holding a replica of an Oscar Award.

A widely-circulated photograph appeared to show one such poster being peeled down in Pistorius’s home town of Johannesburg.

Nike would not be drawn on the police investigation but expressed its “deepest sympathy and condolences to all families concerned”.

Most organisations linked with Pistorius, estimated to earn about £1.3 million a year in endorsements, insisted their association with him would continue for the time being.

Ossur, which manufactures the double-amputee’s prosthetic blades, said it was awaiting the outcome of the police investigation.

A spokesman told Telegraph Sport: “It just sounds like a terrible tragedy, a terrible tragedy.”

BT also said it was monitoring proceedings and confirmed Pistorius remained a brand ambassador.

Thierry Mugler fragrances refused to comment, saying they were awaiting the outcome of Pistorius’s expected appearance in court today to answer a murder charge.

Pistorius is also an ambassador for the Mineseeker Foundation, a UK-based charity dedicated to the detection, identification and removal of landmines.

Founder Mike Kendrick said their association with Pistorius would continue for now. He told Telegraph Sport: “We’re absolutely staggered by this. We don’t really know what to say except that it’s difficult to associate this with a guy who’s such a deep-seated humanitarian.

“He stays at my house when he comes here and he’s helped us fitting limbs on children and adults at our limb clinics.“In Mozambique, for example, he’s always there. It’s staggering, really, staggering.” 

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1 Smįmynd: Įsthildur Cesil Žóršardóttir

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Įsthildur Cesil Žóršardóttir, 18.2.2013 kl. 11:00

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